Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Laffey For Senate

If Cranston mayor Stephen Laffey beats Lincoln Chafee in the primary this week, Sheldon Whitehouse (D) will win overwhelmingly 58% to 31%, according to recent polls.

In the general election, Chafee trails Whitehouse by two points.

Laffey For Senate

If Cranston mayor Stephen Laffey beats Lincoln Chafee in the primary this week, Sheldon Whitehouse (D) will win overwhelmingly 58% to 31%, according to recent polls.

In the general election, Chafee trails Whitehouse by two points.

Carol Gay For Congress

Carol Gay is running hard in the 4th district but desperately needs more help. Here is Carol on the issues.

It's only two monthes until the nation's destiny is determined...It's actually in the hands of more than the voters.

Great Quote

From both sides, this is a great quote.

"Democrats are trying to indict an entire class of people, who happen to be called Republican candidates for Congress," said Glen Bolger, a Republican pollster handling dozens of House races. "We have to bring individual indictments with different cases and different pieces of evidence."

"How unfair can the Democrats be? Actually calling Republican candidates for Congress Republicans? Wow, you'd think this was an election year or something." -- Daily Kos

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Democratic Whip on Labor Day

Steny Hoyer on Labor Day.

Hoyer makes the point that many on the Journal editorial page don't seem to understand. Economic policy should not be simply targeting economic strength but also poverty eradication. 37 million Americans are living in poverty, with more and more living in extreme poverty than before. The least this Congress can do is adjust the minimum wage to inflation.

Labor Day History

Go to Blanton's and Ashton's for a comprehensive hisLinktory of the Labor Day holiday. There are also some hilarious cartoons on the subject.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Democrats Field Increasing Number of Women

Women are running in nearly half of the most competitive House races this election cycle, reports the Times.

Republicans also tout the number of minority candidates running on the GOP slate this year.