Monday, July 31, 2006

Wisconsin Is "Most Representative" State

A CNN study concluded that Wisconsin is the state that is most "representative" of the United States, according to 12 different measures of income, race and ethnicity, and education.

Other Midwestern states are close behind: Missouri, Kansas, Indiana, and Ohio.

West Virginia and Mississippi, the two poorest states in the nation, ranked 49th and 50th respectively. West Virginia has a minimal minority population, while Mississippi has a higher percentage of black residents than any other state.

The CNN article mocks the DNC for elevating Nevada and South Carolina in the Democratic primaries on the basis that they will offer a more diverse and more "representative" constituency for candidates. Of course, this argument is flawed because while Wisconsin might serve as a microcosm for the U.S. population, its Democratic Party does not serve as a microcosm for the National Democratic Party.

Here's an interesting rebuttal from Paul Soglin.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

GOP Debates How To Distance From Bush

Article from The Hill discusses how far exactly Republican Congressional candidates wish to distance themselves from the unpopular president in the mid-term campaigns.

Obviously, the more conservative the district, the more closely the candidate can associate with the president. Of course, when immigration is the issue, Bush doesn't satisfy conservatives. But, Democrats are unlikely to win on immigration in these districts.

Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Conrad Burns of Montana have decided that siding with the president is politically feasible in their states. Burns went as far as to say that "you don't distance yourself from your leader, the guy is tough, and that's what I like about him."

House Looks Better Than Senate

We need fifteen seats to win back the House. We need to win six seats to win back the Senate. The former is increasinly seeming more possible, despite the typical difficulty that any challenger to a House incumbent faces.

It's this simple: there are five Republican Senate seats that Democrats have a very good chance of winning. This includes Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), Jim Talent (R-MO), Conrad Burns (R-MT), Mike DeWine (R-OH), and Rick Santorum (R-PA). Victories in all of these races, which isn't an unreasonable prediction, would put the Senate at a 50-50 tie, assuming that the Democrats would defend all of their incumbents and open seats.

50-50 keeps the Senate Republican because of Dick Cheney. Democrats must win a Republican favored seat for a majority. Virginia, Tennessee, and Arizona are the only three possibilities.

The Democrats must either beat an incumbent Republican in Virginia or Arizona, or, they must win the seat currently occupied by the retiring Bill Frist.

Times Endorses Lamont

In few places can the New York Times be more influential than in a Democratic primary. Nobody is surprised when they endorse the Democratic presidential candidate or the Democratic candidate in any type of general election.

However, this endorsement could potentially sway thousands of voters to Lamont in the general election, as it seems that he is poised to win the primary.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Senate Republicans Ensure Teen Pregnancy..Again

The Senate defeated an amendment proposed by our own senator, Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), that would have authorized the secretary of health and human services to make grants to sex education programs that stress both abstinence and contraception. The vote was 48-51.

Here are the main provisions of the amendment:

(A) The applicant agrees that information provided by the program on pregnancy prevention will be age-appropriate, factually and medically accurate and complete, and scientifically-based.

(B) The applicant agrees the program will--

(i) not teach or promote religion;

(ii) teach that abstinence is the only sure way to avoid pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases;

(iii) stress the value of abstinence while not ignoring those teens who have had or are having sexual intercourse, or teens at risk of becoming sexually active;

(iv) provide information about the health benefits and side effects of all contraceptives and barrier methods as a means to prevent pregnancy;

(v) provide information about the health benefits and side effects of all contraceptives and barrier methods as a means to reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS;

As usual, the only three moderate Republicans in the Senate, Olympia Snowe (ME), Susan Collins (ME), and Lincoln Chafee (RI) voted in favor, and the irritatingly right winged Democrat, Ben Nelson (NE) voted against.

Moderate GOP Pushes For Minimum Wage Bill

Via Minimum Politics:

Apparently Republican leaders are thinking about letting minimum wage legislation reach the House and Senate floors, in hopes that moderates will avoid the political turmoil that past resistance has caused Republicans in moderate districts or districts with a substantial low income population.

"The moderate Republican is probably more endangered than the Bald Eagle," quips Alec Oveis.

Tom Slick

Opinion Mill discusses possible nicknames for the candidate that seems to dodge the question of privitizing social security so effectively.

However, he hasn't done it that well, because just about every prominent blogger has been asking the same question recently.

As with other GOP candidates, one should assume that they will support every piece of legislation that the leadership puts up unless they state otherwise.

Biden Likened to Negative Seinfeld Girlfriend

Joe Biden (D-DE) has endured criticism throughout his career for plagiarism, his tendency to talk way to much at committee hearings, but Chris Cillizza gave Biden something else to think about yesterday when he called the Senator a "two face," someone who looks great one day and terrible the next. Apparently Cillizza got the idea from Jerry Seinfeld, who once dated a woman with the same problem.

I picked this snippet from a great progressive site called the Political Forecast, based at Drake University, in Des Moines, Iowa.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Where Should Libertarians Go?

There's no doubt that the Libertarian wing of the GOP has lost significant power in recent years, but will this be the year that the Libertarian Party and the Democratic Party finally begin to benefit from it?

Outside the Beltway suggests that the Republican Party is still the best choice for Libertarians.

The author suggests that as bad as Republicans are on fiscal policy, Democrats will be worse. Although that is the traditional belief, the largest deficits in the last couple decades have all been due to massive military spending on the part of Republican presidents. As much as Republicans harp about wasteful social programs, the military budget is where you'd get the biggest buck for cuts. That's not something that politicians like to say, but Bill Clinton did it in the early 90's, after the end of the Cold War, and he paved the way towards a balanced budget.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Where Does Kean Stand On Social Security?

DBK from Blanton's and Ashton's called up the Kean Jr. campaign headquarters to see where the candidate stood on social security privitization. Kean, like many wise Republicans, has yet to say where he stands on the issue.

The rest of the post here.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bush's Approval Down After Veto

According to Rasmussen Reports, President Bush's approval rating has hit its lowest point since mid-May, dropping 8 points since July 20, at least in part because of his veto of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, the agency suggests.

Bush will not be vindicated politically on this veto unless the entire right wing base decides to vote with a vengeance this fall. Only 26% of Americans agree with Bush's assertion that embryonic stem cell research is immoral.

Track the daily presidential job approval ratings at Rasmussen Reports.

Note: The way that Rasmussen conducts its surveys generally adds 5 points to Bush's approval rating.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Kean and Menendez In Dead Heat

New polls show Kean and Menendez within 1-2 points of eachother, with Kean leading 40%-38% in a recent Quinnipiac poll and Menendez leading 38%-37% in a Monmouth University poll.

This race has barely started. 48% of those polled said that they are likely to change their minds and 18% remain undecided.

NJ Dems Oppose Kean On Social Security

Jay Lassiter points out that the plan to privatize social security is only dead if the Democrats win back Congress in November. President Bush plans to reintroduce the plan if his party keeps Congress. According to Bob Menendez, it's important that Tom Kean Jr. will be a happy follower of the president's privatization plans.

Nothing Is Worse Than A Veto

Enlighten NJ, a conservative local issues blog, had an interesting post about the stem cell research issue. The writer made some good points: Democrats in the legislature have not fulfilled their promises to fund embryonic stem cell research, the governor has not pursued the science like he said he would, and, on a national level, the Bush administration has allocated more money for stem cell lines than any other before. However, these facts do not excuse the president's actions.

1. President Bush did not simply fail to fund embryonic stem cell research to the levels that congress hoped for, he vetoed a bill with broad support from congress and the public that would have lifted restrictions on the research.

2. Moreover, Bush did not veto it on fiscal grounds, he vetoed it on bogus "moral grounds," signing the veto surrounded by children that were the products of embryo labs. Even though the bill would only use embryos already slated for destruction by clinics, the president conveniently decided to link the research to the abortion issue.

3. By likening stem cell research to abortion, Bush has made it virtually impossible politically for conservative states to fund stem cell lines, and, in the federal government, he's pressured Republicans and Democrats from conservative districts to oppose the research in fear of being labeled "pro-abortion."

Why Won't Hillary Talk About Iraq?

According to the Leftcoaster, Hillary Clinton's wing of the Democratic Party is simply presenting itself to the voters as "GOP-lite." Clinton refuses to mention Iraq when discussing Democratic policy and seems to cave in on Republican political issues like flag burning.

While Hillary Clinton does seem to have flawed talking points that give a lot of ground to Republican claims that she is merely a calculating opportunist, she has a solidly liberal voting record and its unlikely that another Clinton administration would abandon progressive values to the extent that bloggers fear.

It's wrong politically and morally for Democrats to avoid the Iraq issue however. Only 34% of Americans believe that Iraq will or should be considered a success.

Weak Democratic Incumbents

Recognizing weak incumbents in your own party as well as in the opposing party is the key to success in campaign politics. However, it seems as if Senate Democrats have been spared the burden of that first duty this cycle, as Republicans have almost made a point of putting their worst possible challengers against Democratic incumbents.

Bill Nelson (D-FL) was considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the aftermath of the 2004 election, in which Bush won Florida relatively comfortably, a Republican, Mel Martinez, won a previously Democratic open senate seat, and all five retiring southern Democrats were replaced with Republicans. However, the GOP has already begun to write this election off as a bad joke because of one Katherine Harris, the former Florida Secretary of State who prevented the recount in 2000. She is facing investigation from the FBI, and her entire staff has quit twice.

In Nebraska, conservative Democrat Ben Nelson is stomping his Republican challenger by nearly 20% points. Elizabeth Dole recently organized a GOP fundraiser for 70; only 18 came.

In Washington, Maria Cantwell, who won election by less than 3000 votes six years ago is comfortably leading her Republican challenger, and has more than three times as much money on hand for the campaign.

Debbie Stabenow (MI-D) leads her opponent by more than 15 points.

Lieberman Facing Criticism From Previously Reliable Blacks

According to this post by Skippy the Bush Kangaroo (don't ask about the name), Joe Lieberman is losing vital support from black communities in poor areas of Connecticut, including inner city Hartford, where Rep. Maxime Waters, a prominent member of the Congressional Black Caucus, has been campaigning for Ned Lamont.

The analysis is a bit harsh. Lieberman has supported affirmative action throughout his career and has repeatedly stated that he will continue to do so. Although he probably has examined the issue of school vouchers more closely than most Democrats (and Republicans), he has never taken a vote to sell out public education.

Nevertheless, it's not hard to believe that many of Lieberman's constituents feel left out. Lieberman was too aggressive in his attempt to position himself as a centrist or conservative Democrat during his presidential campaign three years ago. He repeatedly touted his support for cuts in social programs.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Fundraising Update

Democrats have "lapped" Republicans in recent fundraising efforts, according to the New York Times, which this morning ran an article that detailed the struggles that Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) is facing as she heads the Republican National Senatorial Committee. That article showed that not only are Republicans losing the fundraising battle, but they are failing to field candidates against Democrats who were previously thought to be vulnerable.

The DSCC raised $8.8 million in June, while its GOP counterpart brought in slightly more than half that, at $4.8 million.

Overall, the DSCC has raised $78 million for the midterm elections, almost twice what the RNSC has.

Here are some interesting numbers via Daily Kos.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Kean Cannot Win on War

Tom Kean will not win if voters are thinking about the most important issues, says a recent Farleigh Dickinson poll that attempts to see the affect that certain issues have on the NJ Senate election.

When respondents were not asked any questions about President Bush and the Iraq War, Menendez only lead Kean by one point. However, when the war was even mentioned, Kean's popularity among those polled dropped 6% points.

It's pretty clear what we have to talk about in NJ now.

Lamont Crushing Lieberman

Progressive Democrats should be overjoyed at the most recent polls from Connecticut show Ned Lamont beating Joe Lieberman by 10% points, 51%-41%, with 8% undecided.

Lamont has surged ahead of Lieberman in recent weeks, despite being behind nearly 20 points three weeks ago and being virtually unknown among CT Democrats as recent as April. More importantly for liberals, however, is that polls show Lamont tied with Lieberman if Lieberman runs as an Independent in a three man race.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Corzine Bad, But Not That Bad

The NJ government shutdown was not popular among the citizens of "Our Fair State," says Sharon of The Center of NJ Life, however, Corzine does not suffer the disapproval rating that our national executive does.

Corzine has a 44% approval rating and a 44% disapproval rating.


The Democrats are "thrashing" Republicans in fundraising this month, according to MyDD.

Let's keep it up. Give to a candidate in a contested race.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

What Are They Thinking?

As puzzling as it is to understand how the Bush administration plans to spin its stance on stem cell research to voters this fall, it's more important to recognize that crazier things have happened in politics, and the Democrats cannot simply hope that the American public will respond appropriately. It's up not only to the Democratic Party, but the entire progressive movement, to blow the whistle on what continues to be a shameful presidency supported by a corrupt majority party in congress.

But the message doesn't have to be negative and vindictive. Americans will respond positively to a compassionate message sent by the party that is willing to put its money where its mouth is on new cures for diseases. This is a concrete issue that affects virtually every voter in the nation; it's easily enough to swing independent and even Republican votes into the Democratic column.

Take a look at these numbers. The GOP has nobody on this issue.

"Shove It Down Bush's Throat"

So says BuzzFlash. It's hard to disagree. If the Democrats cannot capitalize on this issue, then they should simply disband. While the GOP may be wisely courting their conservative base, it's absolutely essential that Democrats pound away at Independents with the stem cell issue.

There is little hope of revitalizing legislation for stem cell research until a new administration comes in. Luckily, because President Bush has sunk his end of the party, there is virtually no way that the next president, Republican or Democrat, will veto stem cell research again.

The most conservative Republican presidential hopeful, Bill Frist, supports embryonic stem cell research, despite his opposition to abortion.

Stem Cell Bill In Jeopardy

The Senate voted well the other day, but apparently not well enough. The Senate passed the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005 63-37, four votes short of the veto proof margin necessary to ensure that the bill becomes law.

It hurts to use this kind of cliche, but 19 Republicans put policy ahead of politics and voted with 44 Democrats to expand federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Nevertheless, the president has promised to use his first veto in more than 1600 bills when the legislation reaches his desk. Hopefully Bill Frist, who, as a former doctor, recognized the importance of the bill and voted in favor himself, will be able to persuade several of his colleagues to change their votes when it's time to override the veto.

On the other side of the aisle, Harry Reid might want to have a chat with Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, the sole Democrat to vote against the bill. If it comes down to Nelson's vote, his committee assignments should be reviewed.

For a good analysis of the 9 Senators in re-election campaigns who voted nay, see this Washington Post article.

We Need 4 Votes

The Senate yesterday passed the Stem Cell Research bill overwhelmingly, 63-37, with 19 Republicans siding with 44 Democrats despite the president's threats of vetoing the bill.

Unfortunately, this beautiful display of bi-partisanship may very well be for naught, as the Bush administration reiterated its promises to use its first veto in nearly six years to strike down one of the most essential pieces of medical legislation in decades. Neither chamber of congress has passed the bill with enough votes to defend it against a veto. Hopefully Bill Frist, a former doctor himself, can use his influence to get four Republicans to switch their votes..or not vote at all.

On another note, is anybody wondering who the lone Democrat to vote against the measure was? Here's his webpage.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Beating Republican Incumbents..In The South

Democrats are excited about this election season not only because they'll get to pick on the likes of Lincoln Chafee and Rick Santorum but also because Republicans like Charles Taylor (R-NC) are endangered in previously safe districts.

MyDD has a post about Rep. Taylor, who has come under scrutiny for an earmark inserted into a bill that creates a student exchange program closely associated with business ties in Russia.

Sorry for Lack of Posts

Sorry for the lack of posts in the past few days. I was away in Wisconsin, and away from internet access.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

What Should the Democratic Party Sacrifice?

At a recent breakfast with Charles Schumer, the NY Senator outlined his vision for the Democratic Party. Check out his new formula: WWJAED ( What would Joe and Eileen do?) at TAPPED.

This is what Democratic strategists talk about all the time, and despite popular belief, it is implemented effectively for many Democratic congressional candidates. If it wasn't, there would hardly be any Democrats left in the South and Midwest.

Many Democrats responded to the anti-flag burning attitude by voting in favor of the constitutional amendment the other week. Robert Menendez, himself caught up in a turbulent campaign, voted yea.

One progressive issue that needs to be more effectively communicated to Joe and Eileen is the environment. People need to understand that this issue is not about tree hugging and much more about the survival of children and grandchildren.

How To Work Primaries

An interesting proposal for deciding the order of the presidential primaries was given by David Yepsen of the Des Moines Register recently.

Yepsen suggests that the first primary should be held in the state that was the closest in the last election; the second primary should be in the second closest etc.

Of course, Iowa and New Hampshire are never landslide states anyway. In 2004 Kerry won New Hampshire by a small margin and lost Iowa by a similarly small percentage. In 2000, it was the other way around, with Gore barely winning Iowa and barely losing NH.

Clinton's Labor Secretary on Budget

I don’t want to rain on the President’s parade. He’s right when he says more money is flowing into the Treasury this year than last, which means the federal budget deficit will be lower. Frankly I donÂ’t blame the President for making the most of every bit of good news he can find. But it’s important to put this good news in context. This year’s federal budget deficit will still total between $280 and $300 billion. That’s better than the $318 billion hole that was expected. But it’s hardly cause for celebration. Federal spending is still way out of control. It’s at a higher rate and a higher percent of the overall economy than a decade ago. Even if you take military spending out of the calculation, you see almost nothing but more spending. And lots of the spending is for pork (bridges to nowhere) and corporate welfare (farm subsidies, a drug benefit that mainly benefits Big Pharma).

Clinton's Labor Secretary on Budget

I don’t want to rain on the President’s parade. He’s right when he says more money is flowing into the Treasury this year than last, which means the federal budget deficit will be lower. Frankly I donÂ’t blame the President for making the most of every bit of good news he can find. But it’s important to put this good news in context. This year’s federal budget deficit will still total between $280 and $300 billion. That’s better than the $318 billion hole that was expected. But it’s hardly cause for celebration. Federal spending is still way out of control. It’s at a higher rate and a higher percent of the overall economy than a decade ago. Even if you take military spending out of the calculation, you see almost nothing but more spending. And lots of the spending is for pork (bridges to nowhere) and corporate welfare (farm subsidies, a drug benefit that mainly benefits Big Pharma).

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Nurses Under Attack

Blanton's and Ashton's brings to our attention news that nurses may be in danger of being stripped of protections granted by labor laws because the National Labor Relations Board is thinking of designating nurses as supervisors, rather than laborers.

Go to the Labor Blog for more.

Menendez Leads

A Strategic Vision poll shows Menendez leading Kean Jr. 43% to 47%, with 20% undecided.

Political Wire Bonus Quote

"Let’s forget about global warming and talk about flag burning and gay marriage. I don’t know how long you can milk that old cow."

-- Bill Clinton, quoted in the Vail Daily, saying "the Republican strategy is weak." Clinton predicted Democrats "might well win one or more houses" in the midterm elections.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Ney Set To Lose

Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) is the only incumbent congressman that is facing an obvious uphill battle to retain his seat. The 6 term congressman seems to be the closest link to Jack Abramoff on Capitol Hill and is paying for it dearly at the polls.

A Cooper and Secrest poll show Ney trailing his Democratic challenger Zack Space 46% to 35%.

Why Blogs Are Important In Politics

The internet is one of the many reasons there are so many more celebrities today than ever before. Sites like and and google river allow anyone with a gimmick to broadcast themselves for free and become instant sensations. However, these sites are only beginning to be examined as potential outlets for political advertising.

"If any teenager can put up a video for or against a candidate, and persuade other people to watch that video, the center of gravity could shift to masses of people with camcorders and passable computer skills. And if people increasingly distrust the mainstream media, they might be more receptive to messages created by ordinary folks."

Why Health Care Advocates Don't Vote Republican

The Republicans have repeatedly shown that they have no interest in extending health care to those who currently have no coverage. President Bush's Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) have done nothing to solve the rising costs of health care, and close to nothing for those in the lowest income brackets.

The GOP's level of interest in the health care issue is best exhibited on Tom Kean Jr.'s website. There he provides the easy solutions that require little to no work by the government or the citizenry.

Note: Although the Medical Malpractice Litigation is often blamed for high health care costs, malpractice lawsuits account for 0.7% of the total U.S. health care costs annually.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Santorum Texts Women Voters

Via Political Wire:

Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) has launched a new strategy called "Women for Rick," according to US News and World Report, as he tries to hold onto his Senate seat in Pennsylvania.

The strategy includes a new website, outreach events, and encourages female Pennsylvanians to receive campaign updates via text message. "From keeping women's docs in PA to allowing parents the freedom to work from home, Rick Santorum is leading 4 women," says one of the text messages.

Challenger Bob Casey's (D) campaign, also holding numerous events focused on women throughout the state, claimed to be unimpressed with the new text-message strategy. "It's fitting that Santorum announced his outreach program with a text messaging campaign," said a Casey spokesman. "His list of women's accomplishments can fit on a cellphone screen."

Tom Kean Jr. Not Positioning As Moderate

Tom Kean Jr. will not have goood luck in November if he doesn't position himself more to the center. If moderate Democrats like Joe Lieberman are having trouble in states that are politically similar to New Jersey, imagine the luck that a Bush-conservative will have.

Kean has come out openly in favor of the president's tax cuts, and conveniently leaves out any details of his stances on education spending and health care funding on his website.

Edwards Calls For War On Poverty

John Edwards, making a trip through Iowa, highlighted his plan to fight poverty; calling it the "great moral issue of our time."

Edwards identified higher wages, assisted housing for the poor, and improved education as the pillars the fight against poverty.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Bush At 31%

The latest polls detailing the advantageous situation for Democrats this November from CBS.


President Bush's approval rating currently stands at 31%. 68% of Americans believe the nation is worse off now than it was when Bush entered office.

13% approve of the president's handling of rising gas prices.

57% believe that the Democrats are better equipped to handle rising gas prices, as opposed to 11% for Republicans.

If the congressional elections were held today, 44% would support the Democratic candidate, while 33% would support the GOP candidate.

And...on a relatively sad note..

30% have "some degree of confidence" that the president will be able to end the war successfully.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

"Lamont Won," Say People

According to polls done by NBC during the debate between Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) and his primary challenger Ned Lamont, the incumbent senator was the clear loser of the only debate between the two Connecticut Democrats.

The in-debate poll of nearly 2500 viewers showed that 72% believed that Lamont won the debate, while only 28% believed that Lieberman won.

However, Lamont fans shouldn't take this poll at face value. Lamont loyalists are more likely to watch the debate than the bulk of Lieberman's supporters.

But no question about it, says Matt Stoler, the debate was good for Ned Lamont.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Lamont Looks Good For Primary

It's becoming more and more likely that Joe Lieberman will be ousted from the Democratic Party by primary challenger Ned Lamont. Daily Kos goes off on a rant about how the party establishment is supporting Lieberman, despite his dissent from several key Democratic positions.

However, Kos inaccurately labels Lieberman "Bush's BFF [Best Friend Forever]." The most Lieberman has ever dissented from the party leadership in one year was 28%, as shown by a New York Times chart the other day.

However, Lieberman often speaks against the party on important issues such as Iraq, social security, and health care. His rhetoric often undermines the Democratic platform, and makes those to the left seem radical.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th!

Via Political Wire:

"Census predicts 150 million hot dogs will be consumed at July 4 cookouts... Eleven U.S. cities are named Independence, five are named Freedom, and there is one Patriot -- in Indiana, population 195."

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Pennsylvania Exchanging Right Winger for Populist

Rick Santorum's days in Washington D.C., at least as a U.S. Senator, are numbered.

Santorum trails State Treasurer Bob Casey Jr. 53%-38% in the most recent Rasmussen Reports Poll.

Casey, who is pro-life and proudly pro-gun, seems to have few political liabilities against Santorum, who has won in the past by trumpeting social issues to conservatives in rural and suburban Pennsylvania.

Stem Cell Politics Hurts GOP

Think Progress reflects on the problems that come with opposition to stem cell research for incumbent Republican Sen. Jim Talent (MO).

Good news in Missouri. Bush's approval rating is down near the national average, at 36%, while Jim Talent is at odds with a popular ballot measure to protect stem cell research from state restrictions. The numbers against Talent on this issue are astounding. Claire McCaskill, the Missouri State Auditor, is one of several heartland Democrats that have a good chance at ousting Republican incumbents this November. Check out her blog.

Quote of the Day

Via Political Wire:

"He doesn’t care about the Constitution."

-- Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, quoted by the New Yorker, referring to Vice President Cheney’s chief of staff David S. Addington.